Fly-tipping around Southgate- MEQ

Original Email and Response:

Dear Cllr Ioannou

Thank you for your recent Alley Gate enquiry and photos of the waste behind Chase Side.

A visit was undertaken following the receipt of your complaint in relation to the accumulation of waste/fly tipping within the land at the rear of Chase Side. The accumulated waste was found to be having a detrimental effect on the quality of life of others in the locality. This part of the land falls within the boundary of a private property and a Section 80 Environmental Protection Act 1990 Abatement Notice was issued on the landowner by the ward officer.

Most of the items here is bulk waste and has been there for some time. We do not have a statutory duty to investigate fly tipping on private land, however if we find any evidence, we can investigate the origin of the waste and issue Fixed Penalty Notices and we have received confirmation that the landowner is making arrangements to clear the land.

Alley gates are installed at the request and consent of residents who have access to the alley. Although the gates remain the property of the council the alley remains private land and therefore the responsibility of the residents/landowners.

The application states  that “Alley gates have proved to be successful in the borough reducing incidents of fly tipping and burglary. It is important that once the gates have been installed that they are kept shut and locked when not in use. The responsibility of keeping the alley clear will remain with the residents/landowners, another reason to keep the gate locked.”

The alley is private land and all residents have keys and access to the area. We cannot assign a ‘closing time’ to a gate and would be powerless to stop residents using the gates (and again leaving them open) after the designated ‘closing time’.

Your constituents can request an ally gating application online

Yours sincerely

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