Site icon Cllr. Stephanos Ioannou

Queen Elizabeth Drive Speeding cars- MEQ


Dear Department,

I am emailing you concerning the state of speeding vehicles down Queen Elizabeth Drive, Southgate N14. I had been told at the recent ward forum that the situation on speeding vehicles has indeed got worse over the past few months.

As the road it considerably long, it would be worth the Council doing some tests to check the levels of speeding above 30mph. I have heard that the speeding is done at both night time and day and thus is a re-occurring problem, and not a time specific issue.

In addition to the above, could I ask the Council if it does have any information regarding:

1-When was the last time Enfield Council did speeding tests down this road?
2-Has the Council considered doing a similar scheme to that of Selborne Avenue and
The Mall where planters have been installed?
3-Will the Council look to be doing tests down the street anytime soon to collect data?
4-Are the Council considering traffic calming measures for that road?


Dear Councillor Ioannou,


I refer to your recent enquiry on behalf of your constituents regarding their concerns about the speed of vehicles on QEDrive.

The council commissioned some speed surveys on that road, around 2015.

The planters installed in Selborne Avenue and The Mall are part of the Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood and are currently installed on a trial basis to see how effective they are in reducing the volume of through traffic. At present, there are no plans to roll out this measure to other roads in the borough.

Given the dates the speed surveys were completed, we are not planning to undertake any further surveys. We considered these to give a good representation of vehicle speeds along the roads.

We are not considering introducing traffic calming in Wynchgate, Queen Elizabeth Drive or Park View due to there being no personal injury collisions recorded on any of the roads in the last 3 years (up to 31/03/2018 latest data from police and TFL available), and compliance with the speed limit is generally good.

Your constituents may be interested in taking part in the police and TfL’s Community Roadwatch programme. Community Roadwatch gives local residents the opportunity to work side by side with their local police teams, and use speed detection equipment to identify speeding vehicles in their communities. Warning letters will be issued where appropriate, and the information can help to inform the future activity of local police teams.

To take part in Community Roadwatch, or to suggest a residential area where there are community concerns around speeding, contact stating the borough you live in. Your enquiry will be forwarded to your local MPS Safer Transport Team, who will be in touch.

I hope the above answers your enquiry, should you wish to discuss any of the points made above do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely
Senior Engineer – Road Safety

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